Breast Cancer & Mastectomy Wellness Suggestions

Mastectomy means removal of the entire breast. This most often includes a night in the hospital to watch for bleeding as there is a large “raw” surface under the skin, as well as a drain to remove fluid that the body uses to fill in empty cavities. We need the skin to stick to the chest wall, so we drain that fluid. Expect the drain to be in place for several days to a week or more, depending on how much fluid your body makes. And nope, you don’t have control over this. But take control where you can with these suggestions below!

  • Don’t be afraid to shower even with the drain in place. showers can help you feel “human” again! If necessary, bring a step or small sitting stool into the shower and sit on it.

  • Arrange for someone to help you wash and comb your hair for a few weeks after surgery.

  • Have clothing that is easy for your arm to slip in and out of, like a button down shirt.

  • Wrap an ace wrap around your chest if that gives you comfort and holds the drain in place, but make sure it is loose enough so you can breathe easily

  • Can also tape the drain tube to your skin to sleep better at night and move better throughout the day

  • Ask your surgeon if it is okay to ice the chest if tender, it should be fine to ice under the arm

  • Ice the IV sites

  • Throat spray for discomfort from the breathing tube during surgery

  • Arrange for a post-surgery massage of your neck, shoulders, arms and legs for discomfort from positioning during surgery (do not turn over onto chest/stomach)

  • Arrange for a post-surgery lymph massages of the arm where you had lymph nodes removed

  • Take the Surgery Ready Supplement before and after surgery

  • Melatonin for sleep and anxiety

  • Electrolyte drink (clear with zero sediment or particles) the morning of surgery, finished 2 hours before check-in at the surgery center

  • Arnica for pain and bruising AFTER surgery

  • Self compassion journaling or meditation (w/ links)

  • Acupuncture for pain and anxiety

  • Short daily walks, preferably outside, to get some exercise and fresh air

  • Physical therapy to improve shoulder strength and range of motion 4 weeks after surgery if all has healed well

While some mastectomies are to avoid breast cancer in high-risk patients (like Angelina Jolie), the great great majority of them are often for cancer. In those cases, we also remove then the “gate-keeper” lymph nodes under the arm as well. This is called a Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy and it helps the oncologist (cancer doctors) decide what treatments are best for you. You have 20-40 lymph nodes under each arm, but only a few of them collect cells directly from the breast. The others lymph nodes collect from different areas of the body like the arm, or are part of the larger tree-like network of lymph nodes. Care for this aspect of surgery is very specific. Read breast cancer lymph node biopsy wellness suggestions here.

Prepare for surgery with the Surgery Ready Supplement. It’s surgery-safe and includes essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids to help your body heal and recover better from breast surgery.


Breast Cancer & Lymph Node Biopsy Wellness Suggestions


Breast Cancer & Lumpectomy Wellness Suggestions